Making New Year's Resolutions- Is It Applicable Nowadays?
January 04, 2018It's new year. Many are wishing for prosperous 2018. But, it is not enough to sit down and wait for the heavens to sprinkle unending blessings. We should work hard to receive what we want. So, we end up setting goals to aim for the year. These goals are usually called New Year's resolutions.
All of us have devised our own list of new year's resolution way back childhood. Our goals were simpler like
"I am not going to quarrel my younger brother."
"I am going to sleep early."
"I am going to study hard."
As we grow older, our goals becoming complex like
"I am going to have abs."
"I am going to work for job promotion."
"I am going to be frugal."
We have sorts of goals. Maybe, we have written a kilometer of our list. The million dollar question is "Are we realizing our new year's resolutions?"
The recurring resolution I have heard is to stay fit. Many are ambitious to see themselves sexy and healthy. Who does not want to appeal awesome? Who does not want to have toned muscles? Who does not to wear the clothes that we are dying to wear. That's why gyms and parks are thronged of people who wants to perspire and carve strong muscles. As the days go by, a few left, committed to their body goals. The rest go back to their gastronomic pleasures.
I am guilty on this situation. Last 2016, I reached 75 kilos. That was my heaviest weight so far. I was alarmed. For that, I did my own Zumba session. For two months, I lost ten kilograms. However, when I saw that it was effective, I stopped. Lately, I realized that my routine should be continuous. So, I am still heavy for my age. *Fail*
In our numerous list, we have crossed out few resolutions. With our attitude, is making resolution applicable?
For me, it is still applicable. Even that we failed in achieving what we scribbled on our list, we need to set goals for us to grow maturely. We should make our lives to have directions. We should not be stationary. We need to seek new heights. We should not waste 365 days of the year.
Maybe, what impede us is our attitude. We have perpetual battle against procrastination, negativity, and idleness. What we need is a positive mindset. Another important thing is to be specific in setting goals. We need to make sure that these are reachable for us not to be disappointed. If ever that we missed some, we should not stop. We are not perfect. We are just humans. Sometimes, goals are attained in long duration. We should work hard and be patient.
Whatever our goals are, we should consult to God so that all plans will succeed. Have a happy 2018. Be positive, be thankful, be industrious.